Glacier Water District bills every three months. These quarterly billings cover the previous three months; i.e. April billing covers January, February and March. Payments can be in the form of check, money order, cash, credit card or e-check. Credit card payments are charged a transaction fee of 2.35% with a minimum of $2.00. E-checks are charged a flat rate of $2.00. All payments must be in U.S. funds. The meter readings are presented in cubic feet. 1 cubic foot = 7.48 gallons
Monthly water rates for water usage within the District boundaries are as follows:
Single family residential or recreational units - un-metered - $22.63 per month
Single family residential or recreational units - metered - $35.00 per month plus $5.00 per 100 cubic feet of water used in excess of 700 cubic feet
Multiple single family residential or recreational units - metered - $35.00 per residential unit per month plus $5.00 per 100 cubic feet of water used in excess of 700 cubic feet x the number of residential single family units serviced by the one meter
Multiple family residential or recreational units - $22.47 per residential unit per month plus $5.00per 100 cubic feet of water used in excess of 300 cubic feet x the number of recreational or residential living units in the multiple family dwelling
5/8" meter 700 cubic feet or less - $35.00 per month
1" meter 1300 cubic feet or less - $65.00 per month
1-1/4" meter 1400 cubic feet or less - $70.00 per month
1-1/2" meter 1500 cubic feet or less - $75.00 per month
2" meter 1600 cubic feet or less - $80.00 per month
3" & 4" meter 2400 cubic feet or less - $120.00 per month
Water consumed in excess of the above minimums shall be charged the rate of $5.00 per 100 cubic feet.
The District may, by act of its Board of Commissioners, terminate water service to any user who is delinquent in payment of water rates and charges. Notice of Intent to Terminate Service for non-payment is mailed to the user at least fifteen (15) days prior to actual termination. A notice is placed at the dwelling seven (7) days prior to actual termination.
When the District becomes aware of a leak in a property owner’s service line, the District sends a notice of the need for the repair to the property owner. The leak must be repaired within ten days of the date of the letter. If the leak is not fixed within the ten days, a notice is posted on the property owner’s building stating that the water will be shut off in forty-eight hours and will remain shut off until satisfactory evidence of the leak being fixed is presented to the District.
Glacier Water District is an Equal Opportunity Provider. The Washington State Relay Service (WSTRS) allow hearing impaired people to use their voice to talk to a non-TDD user and to receive the responses of the non-TDD user on their TDD's. WSTRS operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There is no charge to use the relay service. For outside Seattle use: 1-800-833-6388 (TDD or V); calling from other states use: (260) 587-5500
Monthly water rates for water usage within the District boundaries are as follows:
Single family residential or recreational units - un-metered - $22.63 per month
Single family residential or recreational units - metered - $35.00 per month plus $5.00 per 100 cubic feet of water used in excess of 700 cubic feet
Multiple single family residential or recreational units - metered - $35.00 per residential unit per month plus $5.00 per 100 cubic feet of water used in excess of 700 cubic feet x the number of residential single family units serviced by the one meter
Multiple family residential or recreational units - $22.47 per residential unit per month plus $5.00per 100 cubic feet of water used in excess of 300 cubic feet x the number of recreational or residential living units in the multiple family dwelling
5/8" meter 700 cubic feet or less - $35.00 per month
1" meter 1300 cubic feet or less - $65.00 per month
1-1/4" meter 1400 cubic feet or less - $70.00 per month
1-1/2" meter 1500 cubic feet or less - $75.00 per month
2" meter 1600 cubic feet or less - $80.00 per month
3" & 4" meter 2400 cubic feet or less - $120.00 per month
Water consumed in excess of the above minimums shall be charged the rate of $5.00 per 100 cubic feet.
The District may, by act of its Board of Commissioners, terminate water service to any user who is delinquent in payment of water rates and charges. Notice of Intent to Terminate Service for non-payment is mailed to the user at least fifteen (15) days prior to actual termination. A notice is placed at the dwelling seven (7) days prior to actual termination.
When the District becomes aware of a leak in a property owner’s service line, the District sends a notice of the need for the repair to the property owner. The leak must be repaired within ten days of the date of the letter. If the leak is not fixed within the ten days, a notice is posted on the property owner’s building stating that the water will be shut off in forty-eight hours and will remain shut off until satisfactory evidence of the leak being fixed is presented to the District.
Glacier Water District is an Equal Opportunity Provider. The Washington State Relay Service (WSTRS) allow hearing impaired people to use their voice to talk to a non-TDD user and to receive the responses of the non-TDD user on their TDD's. WSTRS operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There is no charge to use the relay service. For outside Seattle use: 1-800-833-6388 (TDD or V); calling from other states use: (260) 587-5500